Incubator Without-Walls
We provide our clients with office support for: copies for contracts and marketing; fax; computer-usage with printing and online capabilities; email addresses; conference room and office usages; and
more, to enhance the improvement of their business.
Minority & Women-Owned Business Recruitment
We are one of the few economic development agencies that recruits minority and women-owned businesses that supply the unmet demands of niche markets.
Micro-Loan Program
We coordinate and deliver funding to assist and improve minority- and women-owned businesses access to capital. The micro-loan has been used for new business startups or expansion averaging 3-5 new
jobs from $10,000 in capital investment.
Minority Business Directory
We are the repository and distributor of minority- and women-owned business information. This directory is available online to enhance the markets knowledge about minority- and women-owned
businesses. This directory enables us to inform women and minority-owned small businesses about opportunities or for businesses to make contact with minority and women-owned businesses.
Click below to view Minority Small Business Directory.
US Small Business Administration (SBA)
Every state has at least one SBA district office, with multiple resource partners to support the needs of the small business community.
US SBA Small Business Start-up Guide
This small business guide is intended to serve as a roadmap for starting a business. It also includes numerous electronic links for additional information. Use this interactive tool, with many supporting resources to help you start a successful business.
Small Business and Self-Employed Tax Center
Filing Season Central is your one stop assistance center for filing your business returns. This includes Highlights of Tax Law Changes, Tax Tips, and more.
Kentucky Small Business Development Centers
Kentucky's Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Network is a statewide partnership between Kentucky's higher education institutions, state government, the U.S. Small Business Administration, and the private sector. KSBDC consultants provide small business owners the help they need to deepen their understanding of management and business ownership. They provide analysis and data that is generally beyond the capacity of small businesses to purchase in the private sector.
Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development Small Business Services
The Small Business Services Branch coordinates Small Business Enterprise, Minority Business Enterprise and Women Business Enterprise activities throughout the state's administrative structure. The branch acts as an advocacy agency for the furtherance and expansion of Kentucky-based small, minority and women-owned businesses through the utilization of resources available through the state or under the purview of the state.
Kentucky Secretary of State Business Services
To register a business entity, file reports with the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and other business services including the online business database, the Kentucky Secretary of State Trademark search, and UCC online services.